Monday, February 1, 2010

Earthquake Of San Francisco Versterker Has There Been An Earthquake In San Francisco Yesterday ?

Has there been an earthquake in San Francisco yesterday ? - earthquake of san francisco versterker

I'm French and my aunt, who lives in Concord called me yesterday to tell me that there is an earthquake in San Francisco. Is it important? I hope it was not.
I love San Francisco is a beautiful city.
Greetings from France.


Margaret said...

I live in San Francisco. Yes, it was an earthquake last Friday at 9:00 clock time. It was a 4 on the Richter scale. This means that the earthquake was remarkable, but there was little or no damage. An earthquake of this magnitude is not considered important.

The epicenter was located in Alamo, east of San Francisco. Resides not far from where her aunt.

dungeonm... said...

No - well, I take that back, there are small earthquakes here all the time but happens so small, they can not feel. There was a small earthquake of 4.0 near Danville ISH in the bay this last thought that Friday and then as a major earthquake in the ocean sometimes causes tsunami hits centered, but there is no such warnings.

We all are safe and the city is more beautiful than ever. Is, except for the problem of homelessness.

My ♥ Is In The City By The Bay! said...

My BF said a small earthquake a week ago. It was 4.0 on the Richter scale. There are earthquakes every day, but most of them are for us uncensible.

Do not worry, just less vibrant.

peace lover said...

Earthquakes not yesterday.

I Love Twilight! said...

Theresa was one of the last week and was 4.0
was really touching
Oh my God, what the French
I love Europe

London, Paris, Rome,

gus said...

Iam in San Jose and I felt nothing.

guest said...

not new

yes last week

guest said...

not new

yes last week

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